
It Begins

Thanks for checking out our site. We want to keep you up to date with our journey through adoption.

A little over a year ago the little boy we had been taking care of for 12 months went back to his birth mom. We knew it was God's will for this to happen. It was still one of the hardest things we experienced - although amazingly I think it drew our family closer to each other and to God. After that I was bound and determined to adopt - nothing was stopping me! In my heart though, I heard the still small voice of the Lord saying to wait a year. I fought with this for awhile and didn't share this with hubby. Eventually I went to hubby and said, we need to decide what to do. He said, "Let's wait a year". I started crying, not because I was sad but because I knew so clearly this was God's will.

I won't say the past year hasn't been hard. But it has been amazing knowing we are in God's will and there's been a reason to wait. So that year has come and gone already. We just got back from FL to visit the foster child we had for a year, now our God child and his family. We had such a wonderful trip.

We are now trying to determine what agency we'll use. We're both drawn towards international adoption but again, there are so many agencies to choose from. Finances are tight so that's part of our decision but of course there are so many other things to look at.

Thanks for your prayers through this process. We're excited for what the Lord has in store!

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Anonymous said...