
Much Better

Today has been much better. I'm feel like 1/2 of a new woman! My fever broke last night before bedtime. This morning I woke up actually not wanting to throw up. I wasn't ready to jump out of bed and head to IHOP but hey, I'll take what I can get. As the day has gone on I'm kinda tired but other than that doing good. Thank you God! It's been so hard to be away from Angel baby. I'm still trying to keep my distance and we've been praying she wouldn't get sick either - Hubby has a cold, hopefully that won't turn into anything else.

My ankle is doing good too. I started walking on it today. Yes, it's against the advice of Dr but I'm sorry I really have no choice. I am wearing my brace and sitting on my behind as much as I can and icing it practically all day and when I do walk on it I wear a brace. Thankfully Angel baby has been so so so good. What an answer to prayer. She's pretty content to sit in her bouncer seat or lay on the floor underneath a play thing. Hardly any fussing at all! Ya!!

What have I learned through these past few days? Although I knew it already I have experienced the unconditional, over-the-top love of my Hubby. He's been so amazing. He's amazing all the time but these past two days he's really came through in so many ways. I'm so blessed!

Here are a few pictures from my day yesterday. Real life changing stuff here people!

My yummy snack for the day

Allie dog feeling sorry for mommy!

Ok, here it is folks! My (empty) puke bucket!

My crutches...Yes, right next to our still up Christmas decorations which I was planning on taking down this week which will not happen now but oh well!

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